My Baby Girl

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mixer Mixer

Christmas shopping online is AWESOME! Dan and I decided to hit the malls this weekend, but on Friday night we thought we would tool around on our computers to see what we could get online. We had great success and did about 75% of our shopping that way. Yesterday we went to a few stores and pretty much finished the rest. We are usually the typical last minute shoppers so I'm very excited about this!

Dan's parents came over yesterday and gave me an early bday present, I was thrilled - a new kitchen-aid mixer!!! I have been really wanting one of these, they make baking life EASY! It also has a bunch of attachment options so you can make pasta, have a juicer, processor, etc. I wanted and got a red one, it is seriously the best invention. They wanted to give it to me early because I'm going to a cookie party next weekend with my girlfriends. The cookie party rules include making 1/2 dozen cookies for every girl who attends the party to take home. Also bringing a copy of the recipe for everyone. My mixer will be a big help for 100 cookies!

I came up with a good idea for my cookies this morning. Last night we were at Dan's parents house and we made these thumbprint cookies that you put jelly in. I think I might make those again but I will make my own jelly to go along with it! Then I'll jar the jelly and send it home with the girls, along with their 6 cookies and a copy of my recipe. I can't wait! I think I'm going to make the jelly today, I can't decide on apple or grape jelly... I'm thinking apple!