Christmas shopping online is AWESOME! Dan and I decided to hit the malls this weekend, but on Friday night we thought we would tool around on our computers to see what we could get online. We had great success and did about 75% of our shopping that way. Yesterday we went to a few stores and pretty much finished the rest. We are usually the typical last minute shoppers so I'm very excited about this!
Dan's parents came over yesterday and gave me an early bday present, I was thrilled - a new kitchen-aid mixer!!! I have been really wanting one of these, they make baking life EASY! It also has a bunch of attachment options so you can make pasta, have a juicer, processor, etc. I wanted and got a red one, it is seriously the best invention. They wanted to give it to me early because I'm going to a cookie party next weekend with my girlfriends. The cookie party rules include making 1/2 dozen cookies for every girl who attends the party to take home. Also bringing a copy of the recipe for everyone. My mixer will be a big help for 100 cookies!
I came up with a good idea for my cookies this morning. Last night we were at Dan's parents house and we made these thumbprint cookies that you put jelly in. I think I might make those again but I will make my own jelly to go along with it! Then I'll jar the jelly and send it home with the girls, along with their 6 cookies and a copy of my recipe. I can't wait! I think I'm going to make the jelly today, I can't decide on apple or grape jelly... I'm thinking apple!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
No More Stash
OK - I'm back, I know all of my faithful readers are all happy about that (Mom, Davis). It's been over 2 months since my last post. Better make this one a good one. Winter is FINALLY here, I was counting down the days. Looking at a forecast of 40's, 50's is wonderful! We've had a few days of snow, I'm waiting for Dan to go out town before we get the 2 feet that I will have to shovel. My friend Craig came over last year to help me shovel out of my house, he shows up and starts making fun of my little red shovel I'd been using to clear my drive. It's great - little, light, red - made just for me. He harrassed me the whole time we were there, but then asked to use the little guy at the end....he fell in love. He told me last month he went over to Ace and picked a little red truck up for himself.
We went to my parent's house in both October and November. October we went for the balloon fiesta, and we celebrated Heidi's 30th with an 80's party at our house. It was hilarious. My husband shaved the beard of his goatee and gave himself a stash - he wore a sweet 80's white jumpsuit to go along with it. He was the hit of the party. He decided to bag his goatee after that party and Lane can no longer call him 'hairy dan'. Hartley's outfit was a cross between Peter Pan and 80's rocker - his hair is long now so he had it in a ponytail, I about fell over when i saw him! The rest of us looked goofy and rockin 80's - we did a lip sync with 80's music - livin on a prayer rocked the house. 2nd trip was for thanksgiving, where we also celebrated Christmas. It was the usual family chaos at the house, but we had a great time playing games, exchanging gifts, cheering on the lobos, and eating great food!
This weekend is all about Christmas - decorations and shopping galore! If you tell me what you want for Christmas, I'll buy you something - promise promise.
We went to my parent's house in both October and November. October we went for the balloon fiesta, and we celebrated Heidi's 30th with an 80's party at our house. It was hilarious. My husband shaved the beard of his goatee and gave himself a stash - he wore a sweet 80's white jumpsuit to go along with it. He was the hit of the party. He decided to bag his goatee after that party and Lane can no longer call him 'hairy dan'. Hartley's outfit was a cross between Peter Pan and 80's rocker - his hair is long now so he had it in a ponytail, I about fell over when i saw him! The rest of us looked goofy and rockin 80's - we did a lip sync with 80's music - livin on a prayer rocked the house. 2nd trip was for thanksgiving, where we also celebrated Christmas. It was the usual family chaos at the house, but we had a great time playing games, exchanging gifts, cheering on the lobos, and eating great food!
This weekend is all about Christmas - decorations and shopping galore! If you tell me what you want for Christmas, I'll buy you something - promise promise.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Nice Long Weekend
I had a very nice FOUR day weekend and I'm sad to say it's almost over! I took Thurs and Fri off to go wedding
dress shopping with my friend Shannah. She currently lives in Zurich (Switzerland) and she is getting married in Tuscany, Italy in May 2008. I know Shannah from college and she got a job in Zurich 4 years ago. She decided she loved it so much, that she stayed out there, met a nice beau (who is English) and now she is getting married! She was very lucky and she found THE DRESS at the very first bridal shop we went to. The dress is just
gorgeous and it is very fitting for the 'Italian' wedding. Because we got her dress in a timely manner, we decided to spend the rest of Thurs and most of Fri shopping for bridesmaids dresses. I have attached a few pictures of the favorites, Jessica and I were the guinea pigs! We couldn't tell when Shannah was snapping photos, hence the blank looks on our faces :-) Shannah hasn't decided 100% yet on our dresses, we didn't get the same 'wow' factor that we did with her gown. So we will keep on lookin! And then there is the coloring, which is an entirely different decision!

Last night we went to Shannahs mom's house for dinner - she cooked up a ton of ribs, potatoes, corn, beans, fruit salad and we even had cake! It was like Thanksgiving in September! Today we went over to Ryan Arnold's house and watched the Bronco's lose their first game - it was a bummer....they had a few chances to come back and they blew them!
Back to work tomorrow, I wish I could have another four days - it's been so nice and relaxing for my brain!
Last night we went to Shannahs mom's house for dinner - she cooked up a ton of ribs, potatoes, corn, beans, fruit salad and we even had cake! It was like Thanksgiving in September! Today we went over to Ryan Arnold's house and watched the Bronco's lose their first game - it was a bummer....they had a few chances to come back and they blew them!
Back to work tomorrow, I wish I could have another four days - it's been so nice and relaxing for my brain!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The big 2007 10K!
Well I finally did a race today! It was just a 10K, but that's big-time for me this year :-) The race was in Buena Vista, Colorado. One thing I learned about Buena Vista - the locals actually pronounce it BUNA (U is like YU) Vista - I still am not quite sure why!
The run was the 'Autumn Color Run' and I did it with Michelle. To start out, the website for the race wasn't very clear, I also didn't take a ton of time to try and figure out the details before race day. Turns out there are actually 4 different races that all start at the same time, but at different places - and they all have the same finish line: 1/2 marathon, 10K, 5K and a 1 mile fun run. The website talks up the 'race' saying it's a one-way, downhill course, people generally have their 'best times'....I assumed the 10K fell into that nice description...boy was I wrong! The website was speaking specifically on the 1/2 - whoops! The 10K was uphill for the first 3 miles...then rollers for about 1 mile....and the last 2 miles were relatively flat...oh and this is all at 8,000 feet!! It was rough - I'm trained for a 10k, but I hadn't really done much elevation training! Michelle was also having a hard time, especially during the first 3 miles. I got ahead of her during that time and we ran our own races the rest of the time. I am very happy and proud to say however - we both finished! and we were just 5 mins time was 64, hers was 69. And the best part - we weren't last! :-)
I've realized today no matter how big or small the race, there are 2 things I ALWAYS run through my head as I run, swim, bike, walk, etc: 1 - at some point in the race I will wonder if I can finish - will I bonk, will I be able to sustain the pace, will I meet my goal...I question if I can really do it. I have done a ton of races, and I'm happy to say I've never once quit! Still the question always pops into my head - and it's usually during the first 20% of the race. Then without a doubt -thought number 2 - there is a point (always after I've finished a big portion of the race) that I realize, I am actually going to finish this thing! Today, thought #1 came at about mile 2.5....thought #2 was just after mile 5. And of course, as I sit at home the night of the race - I am always sooooooooooo glad I did it !
The biggest race I've ever done was exactly one year ago this weekend - the Harvest Moon Half Ironman. I think back to that day, and I clearly remember the turnaround of the run - I realized my thought #2 exactly at that point...even if I crawled to that finish line, I was going to make it! I cannot believe that was 1 year ago - this year has flown by. A co-worker told me last week that time starts going faster as you get older - I AM almost 30 you know!
OK this old chick has to go to bed!
The run was the 'Autumn Color Run' and I did it with Michelle. To start out, the website for the race wasn't very clear, I also didn't take a ton of time to try and figure out the details before race day. Turns out there are actually 4 different races that all start at the same time, but at different places - and they all have the same finish line: 1/2 marathon, 10K, 5K and a 1 mile fun run. The website talks up the 'race' saying it's a one-way, downhill course, people generally have their 'best times'....I assumed the 10K fell into that nice description...boy was I wrong! The website was speaking specifically on the 1/2 - whoops! The 10K was uphill for the first 3 miles...then rollers for about 1 mile....and the last 2 miles were relatively flat...oh and this is all at 8,000 feet!! It was rough - I'm trained for a 10k, but I hadn't really done much elevation training! Michelle was also having a hard time, especially during the first 3 miles. I got ahead of her during that time and we ran our own races the rest of the time. I am very happy and proud to say however - we both finished! and we were just 5 mins time was 64, hers was 69. And the best part - we weren't last! :-)
I've realized today no matter how big or small the race, there are 2 things I ALWAYS run through my head as I run, swim, bike, walk, etc: 1 - at some point in the race I will wonder if I can finish - will I bonk, will I be able to sustain the pace, will I meet my goal...I question if I can really do it. I have done a ton of races, and I'm happy to say I've never once quit! Still the question always pops into my head - and it's usually during the first 20% of the race. Then without a doubt -thought number 2 - there is a point (always after I've finished a big portion of the race) that I realize, I am actually going to finish this thing! Today, thought #1 came at about mile 2.5....thought #2 was just after mile 5. And of course, as I sit at home the night of the race - I am always sooooooooooo glad I did it !
The biggest race I've ever done was exactly one year ago this weekend - the Harvest Moon Half Ironman. I think back to that day, and I clearly remember the turnaround of the run - I realized my thought #2 exactly at that point...even if I crawled to that finish line, I was going to make it! I cannot believe that was 1 year ago - this year has flown by. A co-worker told me last week that time starts going faster as you get older - I AM almost 30 you know!
OK this old chick has to go to bed!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My Magic Winecake Party
Tonight Dan and I are going to a wine tasting party at the home of our friends Mike and Kate. Mike just opened a Pasquini's restaurant (Italian joint) near downtown denver - he has a wine selection on his menu but wants to add more, so he's having friends over to taste the new booze choices. Mike is a quirk and decided he also wants to have a magician at his party. And in case a wine-tasting magical party isn't enough, he requested that Dan and I bring a white sheet cake for dessert (his favorite).
Dan and I went on Sunday to order the cake from the grocery store, and our original idea was to get a cake that had a 'magic trick' theme...we had zero luck finding that. We then decided to try and find the funniest cake possible. You wouldn't believe some of the choices we had. I think you will be impressed with the cake we found (see picture).
This cake is funny on so many levels. First off, it is one of those iron-on cakes. I have no idea how it's done, but I do know it's super janky. Also, notice the bad frosting around the edges. Now for the actual picture - WHO on earth would actually order this cake...seriously? 'Congratulations on crashing your car' , 'Happy Birthday, don't crash your car like this guy did'. And look at the guy (Dan is calling him Al) - he gets out of his car and makes a face like 'oops I crapped my pants'. We put a very cheesy inscription 'hope your party is a smash', I can't wait for the party!
Dan and I went on Sunday to order the cake from the grocery store, and our original idea was to get a cake that had a 'magic trick' theme...we had zero luck finding that. We then decided to try and find the funniest cake possible. You wouldn't believe some of the choices we had. I think you will be impressed with the cake we found (see picture).
Friday, August 17, 2007
I need your help
My mom (and apparantly others) are having issues posting to my blog. If you read this, can you try to post? And if you cannot post, can you email me and let me know?
I've udpated settings and changed my layout, in hopes that will help!
I've udpated settings and changed my layout, in hopes that will help!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Wrath of the Cherry Picker
We just got back from our weekend in Vail with Dan's family, and we had a great time! We stayed in a 3BR condo at the 'Antlers' - great location, right on the river, next to the gondola...Missy brought Caley (her dog) and we brought Rylie - it was a houseful! We went to a great restaurant on Friday night, patio seating right along the river. Saturday Dan, Jon and I decided to rent mountain bikes and do the whole 'downhill mountain biking' rent the bikes and then take them up the gondola and ride down. This was all my bright idea (important note). We take the first half of our run 'easy' down the trails. Dan and Jon then decide to take me on a 'bike trail' which is VERY narrow and steep. Let me point out, I have never mountain biked...I road bike all of the time - so I thought I would figure out the mountain bike thing pretty easy. Let me tell you - the 2 are VERY different!!!! This first little challenge proved too hard for me....I was breaking at all of the wrong times, and I ended up taking a pretty bad fall on this little stretch. I decided I would stick to the 'easy' runs for the next 2 hours! I broke off from Dan and Jon - Jon ended up with a flat and we only got 2 full runs in. I am bruised and beat up from this experience!!
We went to the pool yesterday afternoon, and we had another great dinner last night right along the river. This morning, Dan and I did a 5K. This was not just ANY old 5K....I actually had no idea what I had signed us up for, I had signed us up a few weeks ago just knowing we would be there and thinking a 5K would be fun. The race is called the 'cherry picker' race....come one, how hard can a race that involves picking cherries be?! I checked out the times from last year before we left on Friday, I should have known it might be trouble when the best time in my AG was 50 minutes, and the best time overall was 35 minutes. When we picked up our numbers this morning, we looked at the course map and saw that we would be climbing 2,200 feet in 3 miles - uh oh!! We got up there and the first 1/4 mile was STRAIGHT uphill - like I couldn't run it if I tried. Everyone started off walking. I told Dan to go ahead, and he started running as soon as he could...I ended up doing most of it as a hike - running on some of the flats and downs. For those of you who know Vail, the course was from the base of the mountain all the way to the top of the gondola (afterwards you have the choice to ride the gondola down - or run back .... if you are a total whacko!!). I finished in 69 minutes - Dan finished about 10 minutes before me....we are still awaiting the final results. Normally 69 minutes would be a shame of a time - today, I am quite happy that I was able to even finish this alive! I ate a big mexican lunch and we just made it back home after a 3 hour drive home. Great weekend, I cannot wait to go back, I think we are camping again next weekend.
Big Brother is tonight, I broke down and ordered Showtime so I can watch BB after dark...sad I know. It's such pointless television!!
We went to the pool yesterday afternoon, and we had another great dinner last night right along the river. This morning, Dan and I did a 5K. This was not just ANY old 5K....I actually had no idea what I had signed us up for, I had signed us up a few weeks ago just knowing we would be there and thinking a 5K would be fun. The race is called the 'cherry picker' race....come one, how hard can a race that involves picking cherries be?! I checked out the times from last year before we left on Friday, I should have known it might be trouble when the best time in my AG was 50 minutes, and the best time overall was 35 minutes. When we picked up our numbers this morning, we looked at the course map and saw that we would be climbing 2,200 feet in 3 miles - uh oh!! We got up there and the first 1/4 mile was STRAIGHT uphill - like I couldn't run it if I tried. Everyone started off walking. I told Dan to go ahead, and he started running as soon as he could...I ended up doing most of it as a hike - running on some of the flats and downs. For those of you who know Vail, the course was from the base of the mountain all the way to the top of the gondola (afterwards you have the choice to ride the gondola down - or run back .... if you are a total whacko!!). I finished in 69 minutes - Dan finished about 10 minutes before me....we are still awaiting the final results. Normally 69 minutes would be a shame of a time - today, I am quite happy that I was able to even finish this alive! I ate a big mexican lunch and we just made it back home after a 3 hour drive home. Great weekend, I cannot wait to go back, I think we are camping again next weekend.
Big Brother is tonight, I broke down and ordered Showtime so I can watch BB after dark...sad I know. It's such pointless television!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I was tagged - info about me....
I was tagged by my mom - SWTrigal
Jobs I’ve Held pre-college:
Bus-girl at the Wild Plum, Cliff’s Amusement Park (Eco crew & ride operator), Hot Dog on a Stick
During College:
Hot Dog on a Stick (summertime, holidays), landscape work for UNC (Colorado), internship at Loveland Industries
After College:
Hewlett-Packard – Financial Analyst and Project Manager
Movies I Can Watch Over & Over:
Pretty Woman
Shawshank Redemption
Devil Wears Prada (lame I know)
My Guilty Pleasures:
Dr Pepper
Cheesy Enchiladas
Reality TV
White Wine
Places I Have Lived (in order):
Albuquerque, NM
Greeley, CO
San Jose, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
Littleton, CO
Shows I Enjoy:
Big Brother
Grey's Anatomy
Project Runway
48 Hours Mystery
Top Chef
America’s Next Top Model
Places I Have Been on Vacation:
Various US – all over Colorado and California, NYC, Seattle, Portland, Nashville
London (1 day only!)
Favorite Foods:
MEXICAN – what else is there
Websites I Visit Daily:
Awards I’ve Won:
Gosh I have no idea – I guess someone needs to grant me an award here soon, I’m surely deserving of daughter or sister of the year or something!
Body Parts I Have Injured:
Broken nose - I was standing behind a kid who swung a golf club into my face
Eardrum burst – ear doctor visit gone bad
I have been lucky, no other broken bones!
Nicknames You’ve Been Called:
Reber, Bec, Becs, Rebs, Big Fish, B, Killer Tomato, Big Bec
Now, I guess I get to tag more people:
Allison – she’s always up for these
Davis – you are the only other person that might read this
Jobs I’ve Held pre-college:
Bus-girl at the Wild Plum, Cliff’s Amusement Park (Eco crew & ride operator), Hot Dog on a Stick
During College:
Hot Dog on a Stick (summertime, holidays), landscape work for UNC (Colorado), internship at Loveland Industries
After College:
Hewlett-Packard – Financial Analyst and Project Manager
Movies I Can Watch Over & Over:
Pretty Woman
Shawshank Redemption
Devil Wears Prada (lame I know)
My Guilty Pleasures:
Dr Pepper
Cheesy Enchiladas
Reality TV
White Wine
Places I Have Lived (in order):
Albuquerque, NM
Greeley, CO
San Jose, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
Littleton, CO
Shows I Enjoy:
Big Brother
Grey's Anatomy
Project Runway
48 Hours Mystery
Top Chef
America’s Next Top Model
Places I Have Been on Vacation:
Various US – all over Colorado and California, NYC, Seattle, Portland, Nashville
London (1 day only!)
Favorite Foods:
MEXICAN – what else is there
Websites I Visit Daily:
Awards I’ve Won:
Gosh I have no idea – I guess someone needs to grant me an award here soon, I’m surely deserving of daughter or sister of the year or something!
Body Parts I Have Injured:
Broken nose - I was standing behind a kid who swung a golf club into my face
Eardrum burst – ear doctor visit gone bad
I have been lucky, no other broken bones!
Nicknames You’ve Been Called:
Reber, Bec, Becs, Rebs, Big Fish, B, Killer Tomato, Big Bec
Now, I guess I get to tag more people:
Allison – she’s always up for these
Davis – you are the only other person that might read this
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Dan loves his waders!

This week is bu-sy! I can't believe it's already Wednesday. Last weekend's camping trip was great! We ended up leaving on Saturday morning, because of course the one weekend a year we go camping, it's RAINING cats and dogs!! We did NOT let that ruin our fun :-) We drove up to a campsite about 15 miles from Keystone, CO and we got a campsite right on the river. It was just gorgeous! We drove up with the Frame's and Ryan met us up there later that afternoon. The boys went off-roading in Ryan's SUV - Michelle and I went for a little hike! We came back, drank wine and the boys made us steak and corn on the grill - it was the BEST! Right before we left, we took all of the SUV's up to the peak (or nearly anyway) of the mountain, at just over 12,000 feet - it was like we were on top of the world. I just love Colorado! We stopped by Keystone on the way out for lunch, the jazz fest was there this weekend, so lots of people, shops, music and food. Took us 3 hours to get home, traffic was nuts - but got home with enough time to unload and clean everything up! I can't wait to go again :-)
I got my first bikini wax today - like the first ever - let me just say....OOOWWWWUUUCCH! The things women go through!
We are off to Vail this weekend with Dan's family - we got Dan's dad a 3BR condo for this weekend for Father's Day. We are all very excited, I am particularly looking forward to renting mountain bikes and doing some downhill biking!
Including some pics from are at this link -
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Camping here we come!
Tomorrow is Friday - yiippeee!!! Week has flown by and we are leaving for our camping trip tomorrow. I have a meeting early in the morning, but I have the rest of the day to pack and get ready to go. I had a big presentation today for work - it was an investigation presentation I led with a team of folks over the last month. Presentation was to a big set of high level managers within HP - by far the 'biggest' presentation of my hp career. My new job is great, I'm really starting to like it now that I sort of know what I'm doing ;-) Anyway, presentation went great, they liked my team's recommendation and decided to move ahead with it! I can now leave for the weekend without any work worries.
Now for camping - we are meeting our friends tonight and doing our food shopping. We decided to go easy and do sandwhiches, hot dogs, snacks, paper plates, etc. We haven't picked an exact campsite, we are actually driving to a random area and flying by the seat of our pants! Not exactly MY style, but I'm looking forward to the WILD streak. Dan hates camping, so I'm hoping we have a good experience, because I'm about 2 steps away from buying a pop up camper trailer. I need him to start liking the outdoors...and quick!
Now for camping - we are meeting our friends tonight and doing our food shopping. We decided to go easy and do sandwhiches, hot dogs, snacks, paper plates, etc. We haven't picked an exact campsite, we are actually driving to a random area and flying by the seat of our pants! Not exactly MY style, but I'm looking forward to the WILD streak. Dan hates camping, so I'm hoping we have a good experience, because I'm about 2 steps away from buying a pop up camper trailer. I need him to start liking the outdoors...and quick!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I Love Chip Janga
The weekend is flying by! I 'took off' a little early from work on Friday, and decided to head over to the mall to shop for a wedding shower gift for my friend Jackie (her shower was yesterday). I quote 'took off', as a I work from home, so really it's a decision to shut my computer down early! The wedding shower was an 'around the clock' theme, and I had my gift had to be something she could use at that time. I was trying to find something on her registry but I was having the hardest time! I ended up with a gift certificate. I came home and Dan told me I was going to be the joke of the party if I showed up to a themed shower with a GIFT CERTIFICATE. So....he graciously offered to take me back to the mall for a second round of shopping. We ended up with a cute gift from Willams Sonoma, a chocolate/dessert cookbook and a set to make a decidant chocolate cake.
I ran 4.5 miles with Michelle early Saturday morning, we had a ton to chat about so it went by really fast! Her and I carpooled to the shower together, it was in the new Stapleton area, which was very cute! Jackie is marrying my college friend Karl, the shower was at Karl's sisters' house. She was an awesome host, we had a great time.
Last night we went to the Rockies/Dodgers game, we had 11th row seats on the 3rd baseline! Great tickets, though I wasn't really paying attention too much to the game, I'm not sure they were worth the cash. Rockies won - yah! We took our friends Mike and Kate, it was fun to catch up. Afterwards we ended up at a Karaoke is THE best bar in denver. We joined up with Craig and Michelle...none of us decided to sing, but we had a ball singing along with the crowd!! We made up a new game called 'chip Janga' - we were trying to build a Janga tower with the tortilla chips at our table, it was awesome and very entertaining. We all drank too much and Dan and I ended up cabbing it home, let's just say it was a rough ride home for Dan! ;-)
Back to work tomorrow, I hope this week flies we are camping next weekend!
I ran 4.5 miles with Michelle early Saturday morning, we had a ton to chat about so it went by really fast! Her and I carpooled to the shower together, it was in the new Stapleton area, which was very cute! Jackie is marrying my college friend Karl, the shower was at Karl's sisters' house. She was an awesome host, we had a great time.
Last night we went to the Rockies/Dodgers game, we had 11th row seats on the 3rd baseline! Great tickets, though I wasn't really paying attention too much to the game, I'm not sure they were worth the cash. Rockies won - yah! We took our friends Mike and Kate, it was fun to catch up. Afterwards we ended up at a Karaoke is THE best bar in denver. We joined up with Craig and Michelle...none of us decided to sing, but we had a ball singing along with the crowd!! We made up a new game called 'chip Janga' - we were trying to build a Janga tower with the tortilla chips at our table, it was awesome and very entertaining. We all drank too much and Dan and I ended up cabbing it home, let's just say it was a rough ride home for Dan! ;-)
Back to work tomorrow, I hope this week flies we are camping next weekend!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Mongolian Stress

Does eating at Mongolian barbecue ever stress anyone else out? For those who may not know what it is... basically you go through a 'salad' bar type of line, pick out your raw meat, veggies and sauce. You pay for the monster bowl, and walk it over to guy who 'cooks' it for you on this big black circle that looks like a griddle the size of a large round kitchen table. I have attached a picture for reference. Cook asks what kind of rice you want and then throws it on to start cooking. There are usually a few people in front of and behind you when you go there....and of course their food is also cooking on the griddle right along side yours. The cooks have these big sticks where they walk around and stir up the food, one 'bowl' at a time. Here's the part that stresses me out: you don't get a don't give them your just hand them your bowl and off it cooks, with 8 other bowl contents frying right up next to yours. When it's ready, they just put the bowl on the counter for pickup. This stresses me out, I feel like I have to sit there and watch my bowl so that no one else takes it by accident. Or worse, what if the cook slips and combines 2 bowls on the griddle! It's pretty funny to think about, I mean worse case scenario is just a big pain the neck. Regardless, I've decided from now on I will just go sit down and let Dan handle the stress.
My friend Davis has been blogging way before anyone even knew what a blog was. He so graciously blogged about my blog, so I'd like to return the favor. The site is especially whitty, and I recommend you make your way over there. 'Spiels' are his journal entries, and he has an especially clever section for pictures. - Make sure to check it out, you will not be disappointed!
I need to workout today, I am not motivated - perhaps I will go bunny watch instead.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Bunny Show
Rest of my weekend was great....ran my 5 miles on Saturday, went to the horse race track afterwards. Michelle and Craig came with us, they ended up winning $750!! Crazy!! Yesterday I ran 3 miles in the AM (it was 80 degrees by 9am - HOT!!), and then Dan's parents came over for a barbecue. We had a nice time, and I made Linda's key lime pie which turned out wonderful!
Recently we've had a bit of a 'bunny' issue at my house. The darn little guys keep falling into our window wells. It's now happened 3 times. We finally bought window well covers, but one of the covers was too small and it blew off. This last occurance (just after the wind took off our make-shift cover) was especially sad because there were 2 little bunnies sitting on this little piece of newspaper snuggling in the well. Because I cannot bear the thought of these little creatures starving and dying of heat down there, I make Dan get his shovel and bucket and scoop them out. He's been setting them 'free' in the open space behind our house. Last month, I purchased a new treadmill, which is in our basement - now every day I'm down there on bunny watch! It's seriously animal planet gone bad! Anyway, after all of that drama with the twins, yesterday I found one of them dead under a tree in my backyard. So now I'm starting to wonder if I should just starting feeding and raising these bunnies in my wells, perhaps they would have a better chance at survival!
Recently we've had a bit of a 'bunny' issue at my house. The darn little guys keep falling into our window wells. It's now happened 3 times. We finally bought window well covers, but one of the covers was too small and it blew off. This last occurance (just after the wind took off our make-shift cover) was especially sad because there were 2 little bunnies sitting on this little piece of newspaper snuggling in the well. Because I cannot bear the thought of these little creatures starving and dying of heat down there, I make Dan get his shovel and bucket and scoop them out. He's been setting them 'free' in the open space behind our house. Last month, I purchased a new treadmill, which is in our basement - now every day I'm down there on bunny watch! It's seriously animal planet gone bad! Anyway, after all of that drama with the twins, yesterday I found one of them dead under a tree in my backyard. So now I'm starting to wonder if I should just starting feeding and raising these bunnies in my wells, perhaps they would have a better chance at survival!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Extra Crunchy Salad
I'm about to go on my 5-mile run. I'm running with my good friend Michelle. We've decided to train for a 10K which is in Buena Vista on Sept 15. I've learned that I need something to train for to be motivated to get my butt off the couch! I'm not really wanting to train for anything overly crazy, and I'm really excited Michelle agreed to do it with me.
Last night, we had dinner with Craig and Michelle at a place called 'Ted's Montana Grill'. They are known for their buffalo meat, which is YUM-MY. We had an interesting experience there last night....we sat down and our server 'Andre' came over. He made a couple of really bad jokes, took our drink and appetizer orders - so far so good. Then he took our dinner order - I ordered a buffalo burger and decided to sub my fries for a dinner salad, Dan ordered their special 'prime rib', michelle ordered a veggie burger, and Craig ordered a steak. A few minutes later my salad comes out, I take about two bites and then notice a dead fly on my lettuce!! At the very moment I realize it, Andre is at our table. He takes it, brings me another. Then about 20 minutes later, Andre comes over again and tells Dan that he had put his prime rib order in, but another server took it and they are now out! He brings the rest of our food over, before Dan even puts his second order in! On top of all of this, Craig's potato doesn't have the right fixings and the beer Dan orders is not available because they don't have any cold. I think poor Andre really just wanted us to leave! Food all in all ended up being pretty good, no more bugs were found, and we got 50% off our bill. Total cost for all 4 of us (including ALL drinks, our appetizers and dessert) was $60! I guess all of that hassle was worth it!
Last night, we had dinner with Craig and Michelle at a place called 'Ted's Montana Grill'. They are known for their buffalo meat, which is YUM-MY. We had an interesting experience there last night....we sat down and our server 'Andre' came over. He made a couple of really bad jokes, took our drink and appetizer orders - so far so good. Then he took our dinner order - I ordered a buffalo burger and decided to sub my fries for a dinner salad, Dan ordered their special 'prime rib', michelle ordered a veggie burger, and Craig ordered a steak. A few minutes later my salad comes out, I take about two bites and then notice a dead fly on my lettuce!! At the very moment I realize it, Andre is at our table. He takes it, brings me another. Then about 20 minutes later, Andre comes over again and tells Dan that he had put his prime rib order in, but another server took it and they are now out! He brings the rest of our food over, before Dan even puts his second order in! On top of all of this, Craig's potato doesn't have the right fixings and the beer Dan orders is not available because they don't have any cold. I think poor Andre really just wanted us to leave! Food all in all ended up being pretty good, no more bugs were found, and we got 50% off our bill. Total cost for all 4 of us (including ALL drinks, our appetizers and dessert) was $60! I guess all of that hassle was worth it!
Friday, July 20, 2007
My first entry
Well...I have decided to enter the world of blogging! My mom has been on blogspot for a couple of months, it seems like an easy way to journal and keep track of life's interesting events. I can type about 10 times faster than I can write, so keying a paragraph or two each week shouldn't be too hard.
My week has been crazy! I found out I had pink eye, but it really turned out to be a sinus infection gone bad. I'm now on eye drops, nasal spray, antibiotics, vicks vapo-rub, tylenol, a tea for cold and sinus - what next! I've been to the doctor twice, I ended up having to go to urgent care as my regular doctor is out of town. I saw the same doctor 2 days in a row, I think he thought I was a total nutbag. Dan (my husband) has been afraid to come near me, he keeps telling me I have the bubonic (pronounced boobonic) plague. It's pretty funny, when you tell someone you have pink eye, they really do react as if you have the plague. Honestly, it's really not the end of the world and you are only contageous for 24 hours after you start treatment! Dan was so paranoid at the urgent care facility, he was putting on Purel Hand Sanitizer every 10 minutes. Not sure why he was so concerned, he'd been living with bubonic for the past week!
I'm excited for the weekend....we have a barbecue with Dan's parents on Sunday, and I'm going on a 5 mile run with a friend of mine tomorrow morning. I haven't worked out once this week, so we'll see how it goes. I desperately need to clean and do laundry, not sure how motivated I will be to do that!
My week has been crazy! I found out I had pink eye, but it really turned out to be a sinus infection gone bad. I'm now on eye drops, nasal spray, antibiotics, vicks vapo-rub, tylenol, a tea for cold and sinus - what next! I've been to the doctor twice, I ended up having to go to urgent care as my regular doctor is out of town. I saw the same doctor 2 days in a row, I think he thought I was a total nutbag. Dan (my husband) has been afraid to come near me, he keeps telling me I have the bubonic (pronounced boobonic) plague. It's pretty funny, when you tell someone you have pink eye, they really do react as if you have the plague. Honestly, it's really not the end of the world and you are only contageous for 24 hours after you start treatment! Dan was so paranoid at the urgent care facility, he was putting on Purel Hand Sanitizer every 10 minutes. Not sure why he was so concerned, he'd been living with bubonic for the past week!
I'm excited for the weekend....we have a barbecue with Dan's parents on Sunday, and I'm going on a 5 mile run with a friend of mine tomorrow morning. I haven't worked out once this week, so we'll see how it goes. I desperately need to clean and do laundry, not sure how motivated I will be to do that!
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