My Baby Girl

Sunday, October 26, 2008

37 weeks... well almost

Just shy of 37 weeks, here are some pictures... my face is looking quite plump, I guess when you are up 40lbs it has to show somewhere - ha! Still feeling pretty good - sleeping well still which is great. Went to the dr on Friday, everything checked out good. I'm 1/2 cm dialated, which doesn't mean much at this point :o) I am going weekly we'll see if there's any progress made next Friday. We have our last 'birthing' class tonight - the classes have been good, but I'm kind of done sitting through 3-4 hour sessions twice a week!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Nursery Update

We've been working on our nursery the last week or pics on the walls yet, but here's some photo's of our progress!

I am 34 weeks tomorrow - woo hoo! My latest complaint is numb fingertips - WTH! it's a minor issue, but it is SOOOOOOOOOO annoying. My hands are swollen, I'm sure there is a nerve issue or something. We are going to a breastfeeding class tonight -it is supposedly for couples, Dan's going to kill me if he's the only guy there!