My Baby Girl

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pictures of Baby Myers

We went in yesterday for the 22 week ultrasound and got to see little baby Myers! It's a girl indeed and she looks great! She was in great positions and all of her little organs are looking good. They even gave us a few 3D shots, which I was NOT expecting! Below are some of the pictures, not scanning great, but good enough. She has what LOOKS like my nose! :-)


SWTrigal said...

hard for grandma debi's old eyes to see the little alien..I mean baby! She does however look like she has "the chin"

Tania said...

She is sooooo cute already! I love how "high tech" ultrasounds can be!!! I have seen enough of the old ones that I can figure out pretty much what I am looking at :) I knew you guys would have a beautiful baby!! God has blessed you so much!!

Redd said...

OH! These are soo great! It does look like she has your strong genes!

I am so happy for you THREE!

Melissa said...

Yay, can already see her profile. :)

Anonymous said...

She is adorable!!! If there's one thing this family does, it's grow pretty babies. I am so happy for you and Dan.
