My Baby Girl

Friday, August 17, 2007

I need your help

My mom (and apparantly others) are having issues posting to my blog. If you read this, can you try to post? And if you cannot post, can you email me and let me know?

I've udpated settings and changed my layout, in hopes that will help!


SWTrigal said...

I can comment!! Yea!! Aren't you happy-now you can know ALL my opinions about your life..

carmeezie said...

is this a trick to see how many people are reading?

becoloradogirl said...

No - my mom claimed her and my sister were in blog crisis and couldn't post. Apparantly it's fixed, I do not need anymore help :-)

SWTrigal said...

Ype-I can still comment but nothing really new to comment on!!\

Allison said...

I think I will try this whole "please post" scam! Good job Becca, it's a great way to see who is really reading your blog!