It's been a while, but I'm back to blog! And I bring good news - I'm prego! 18 weeks, 1 day to be exact. The first trimester was roooough, lotsa sickness...but I'm over the hump and feeling great now! I am starting to show a little, I had someone actually notice the other day that I didn't know!
Pictures here are of me at 11 weeks (top one) and then today. I thought I had a belly at 11 weeks, I'm sure I'll look back at today's shot and find it funny in a few months. Growing belly - still white as a ghost too!
We are headed to the Moore's this weekend to hang out at the WYO ranch. We are caravaning with the Efflands, we are really excited for a weekend getaway. Dan is excited to fish with Jaxon and ride the good old Rhino. My mom is doing Ironman CDA this weekend, big accomplishment for her. It will be fun to watch on Ironmanlive.com to see how she does! Go Mom!
Stay tuned, I'll keep up with the belly shots in the coming months!
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