I'm 30. I live in Colorado. I love God and everything He's done for me. I'm expecting a little baby girl on or around November 18, 2008. I laugh a lot. I work out. I hate the heat. I listen well. I like to travel within the 50 states. I hate bologna. I'm married to the best guy on earth. I'm trying to give up soda. I cry everytime I leave my family. I work at home. I remember my dreams. I am completely and stupidly addicted to reality tv. I love my dog. I'm organized when I want to be. I love my family and friends. I like people who give me the benefit of the doubt. I drive fast. I eat sugar cookies. I am in a book club with my girlfriends. My job is a means to an end. I finished a half ironman in 2006. I will always laugh at a fart joke. I still like when people make a big deal out of my birthday. I can't stand cigarette smoke. Tivo is the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me. My husband and I think talking in a lisp is funny. I still get nervous when I give a presentation. I like second chances. I sing in my car. I hate surprises. I like to reminisce, even in my own head. I think green chile goes with just about anything.
That is awesome!!
I am so excited for him that it is done!!! He has a hideout... or lair! there you go!! hehehehe Dan in his lair! :)
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