My Baby Girl

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Camping here we come!

Tomorrow is Friday - yiippeee!!! Week has flown by and we are leaving for our camping trip tomorrow. I have a meeting early in the morning, but I have the rest of the day to pack and get ready to go. I had a big presentation today for work - it was an investigation presentation I led with a team of folks over the last month. Presentation was to a big set of high level managers within HP - by far the 'biggest' presentation of my hp career. My new job is great, I'm really starting to like it now that I sort of know what I'm doing ;-) Anyway, presentation went great, they liked my team's recommendation and decided to move ahead with it! I can now leave for the weekend without any work worries.

Now for camping - we are meeting our friends tonight and doing our food shopping. We decided to go easy and do sandwhiches, hot dogs, snacks, paper plates, etc. We haven't picked an exact campsite, we are actually driving to a random area and flying by the seat of our pants! Not exactly MY style, but I'm looking forward to the WILD streak. Dan hates camping, so I'm hoping we have a good experience, because I'm about 2 steps away from buying a pop up camper trailer. I need him to start liking the outdoors...and quick!

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